.. _concepts_locators: Locators ######## Locators receive :term:`phase picks ` from modules such as :ref:`scautoloc`, :ref:`screloc` or :ref:`scolv` for locating seismic or non-seismic sources. The solutions may include source time and location with or without uncertainties. They are used to form new :term:`origins ` which can be treated further. |scname| ships with built-in locators: * :ref:`FixedHypocenter ` (FH) * :ref:`Hypo71 ` * :ref:`iLoc ` * :ref:`LOCSAT `, the default locator in :ref:`scautoloc` and :ref:`scolv` * :ref:`NonLinLoc ` * :ref:`StdLoc ` and a none built-in locator: * :ref:`LocExt `. While the built-in locators are well defined and documented, any other external locator routine can be added to |scname| by configuration of the locator :ref:`LocExt ` and custom scripts. LOCSAT and FixedHypocenter are native to |scname|. All other locators are implemented as :term:`plugins `. A :term:`plugin` needs to be added to the list of loaded plugins by configuration of the global parameter :confval:`plugins` for making the corresponding locator available to |scname| applications. A comparison of the locators is given in the table below. .. note:: The specifications given below may depend on the configuration of the respective locator. Please carefully read the documentation of the locators for optimizing their performance. .. csv-table:: :widths: 30 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 :header: , FH, Hypo71, iLoc, LocExt, LOCSAT, NonLinLoc, StdLoc :align: center **Applications**, ,,,,,, phases considered by default, seismic / infrasound, seismic, seismic / infrasound / hydroacoustic, [3], seismic / infrasound, seismic, seismic distance ranges of application, local / regional / teleseismic, local / regional, local / regional / teleseismic, [3], local / regional / teleseismic, local / regional / teleseismic, local / regional [4] application with default configuration, regional / teleseismic, ❌, regional / global, [3], regional / teleseismic, ❌, local / regional [1] **Algorithm**, ,,,,,, inversion algorithm, linear, iterative, configurable, [3], grid search, probabilistic, configurable automatic phase renaming, ❌, ❌, ✅, [3], ❌, ❌, ❌ considers network code, ✅, ❌, ✅, [3], ✅, ✅ [1], ✅ positive station elevation, ✅ [2/4], ✅, ✅, [3], ✅ [2], ✅, ✅ negative station elevation, ❌, ✅, ✅, [3], ❌, ✅, ✅ considers pick time, ✅, ✅, ✅, [3], ✅, ✅, ✅ considers pick slowness, ❌, ❌, ✅, [3], ✅, ❌, ❌ considers pick backazimuth, ❌, ❌, ✅, [3], ✅, ❌, ❌ speed, fast, fast, fast - intermediate, [3], fast, intermediate, fast - intermediate **Velocity model**, ,,,,,, velocity model, 1D [4], 1D, 1D, [3],1D, 1D / 3D, 1D / 3D [4] independent Vp and Vs, ✅ [4], ❌, ✅, [3], ✅, ✅, ✅ [4] default velocity model, iasp91 / tab, ❌, iasp91 / ak135, [3], iasp91 / tab, ❌, iasp91 / tab [1] applies RSTT, ❌ , ❌, ✅, [3], ❌, ❌, ❌ **Hypocenter solution**, ,,,,,, inverts for hypocenter location, ❌, ✅, ✅, [3], ✅, ✅, ✅ inverts for hypocenter time, ✅, ✅, ✅, [3], ✅, ✅, ✅ supports negative source depth, ❌, ✅, ❌, [3], ❌, ✅, ✅ **Configuration**, ,,,,,, native or plugin to load, ✅, *hypo71*, *lociloc*, *locext*, ✅, *locnll*, *stdloc* |scname| provides locator, ✅, ✅, ✅, ❌, ✅, ✅, ✅ operates without external files, ✅, ❌, ❌, ❌, ✅, ❌, ✅ operates without custom scripts, ✅, ✅, ✅, ❌, ✅, ✅, ✅ **Others**, ,,,,,, remarks, intended for ground-truth tests / single-station location / any travel-time interface, ,operational at EMSC and ISC (earlier version), any external locator can be called by a custom script, currently the fastest locator in |scname| and the only one available to :ref:`scautoloc`, considers model uncertainties, uses travel-times from any travel-time interface point of contact, :cite:t:`seiscomp-forum`, :cite:t:`seiscomp-forum`, `ibondar2014 @gmail.com `_, :cite:t:`seiscomp-forum`, :cite:t:`seiscomp-forum`, :cite:t:`seiscomp-forum`, :cite:t:`seiscomp-forum` * [1]: requires initial or specific configuration * [2]: requires correction file * [3]: depends on selected locator * [4]: depends on selected travel-time interface