.. _installation: ********************* |scname| Installation ********************* |scname| requires a modern Linux operating system as it is developed and tested only under Linux. For production systems we recommend Linux distributions with long-term support (LTS). The Linux flavors under which |scname| has been tested are given along with the |scname| package names on the download sites of :cite:t:`seiscomp` and :cite:t:`gempa`. The software can be obtained and installed from * Officially released packages (TAR files) for different release versions, Linux systems and architectures, * :ref:`Source code available on GitHub `. Packages may include * Software for data acquisition, processing and :term:`GUIs ` for each supported platform, * Maps. Maps from the |scname| releases Seattle and Zurich also work in later releases * Documentation, * Station configuration files (optional). Download these packages from :cite:t:`seiscomp` or :cite:t:`gempa-download`. The next sections describe the installation of the binary packages of |scname| on * :program:`Ubuntu 18`, 64 bit system, * :program:`CentOS 7`, 64 bit system. Hardware Requirements ===================== The hardware requirements for a seismic system depend on the size of the station network to be operated. Minimum requirements are: .. csv-table:: :widths: 10 90 :align: left :delim: ; CPU; 2 RAM; 4 GB HDD; 20 GB OS; Ubuntu last 3 major LTS versions, 64bit, Debian 8.0 64bit, RHEL 7, CentOS 7 64bit In case large networks (>100 stations) are operated, a distributed system is recommended. Normally a |scname| system is separated in several subsystems. A separation of data acquisition, processing and graphical user interfaces (GUI) is useful to permit stable performance. The minimum specifications of |scname| systems depend on the setup and the applications. Data acquisition systems: +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | CPU | 2 | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | RAM | 4 GB | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDD | Raid1/5/0+1 with >= 200GB | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ Processing systems: +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | CPU | 4 | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | RAM | 8 GB | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDD | Raid1/5/0+1 with >= 100GB | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ GUI system: +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | CPU | 2 | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | RAM | 4 GB | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDD | > 50 GB | +-----+----------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _installation-packages: Installation from Packages ========================== This section describes the installation of |scname| from compiled |scname| packages which ship as :file:`*.tar.gz` files. Steps to take ------------- Simply follow a few steps to complete your installation of |scname|: #. Log in to your Linux system as user, e.g. sysop, the standard user in this documentation. #. Download the installation packages, e.g. from :cite:t:`seiscomp` or :cite:t:`gempa-download`: * :file:`seiscomp-[version]-[OS]-[arch].tar.gz`: main |scname| package with binaries, etc. Ensure to download the right package matching your operating system (OS) and hardware architecture (arch: 32 or 64-bit). * :file:`seiscomp-[version]-doc.tar.gz`: |scname| documentation. .. note:: When receiving the packages from :cite:t:`gempa-download`, the documentation is already included in the main |scname| package to match the installed version. In this case, the documentation does not need to be downloaded and installed separately. * :file:`seiscomp-maps.tar.gz`: standard |scname| maps available on the download site of :cite:t:`seiscomp`. #. Copy the downloaded files to your $HOME directory. #. Navigate to the $HOME directory or any other place where to install |scname| .. code-block:: sh user@host:$ cd #. Install the main |scname| package into :file:`seiscomp` .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ tar xzf seiscomp-[version]-[OS]-[arch].tar.gz #. Install the |scname| map package into :file:`seiscomp/share/maps` .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ tar xzf seiscomp-[release]-maps.tar.gz #. Optional: Install the documentation package into :file:`seiscomp/share/doc` .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ tar xzf seiscomp-[version]-doc.tar.gz Unpacking these files creates the |scname| :ref:`directory structure`. .. _directory_structure: Directory structure ------------------- All installed files and directories are found below the *seiscomp* directory. The directory structure of the installed system is described the table below. .. csv-table:: :widths: 10 90 :header: Directory, Description :align: left :delim: ; *bin*; The user module binaries. *lib*; The base library directory used by all modules. *lib/python*; The Python library directory. *man*; The manual pages. *sbin*; The system/service/server binaries such as :ref:`seedlink`. *var*; Variable files whose content is expected to continually change. *var/log*; Log files of started modules. Usually modules log either to syslog or ~/.seiscomp/log. This directory contains the logs of the start of each module. *var/lib*; Default directory for files created by modules such as the waveform ringbuffer of :ref:`seedlink` or the waveform archive created by :ref:`slarchive`. *var/run*; Contains the .run and .pid files of modules started by :program:`seiscomp`. *include*; SDK header files for all libraries. *share*; Application data such as maps, cities.xml and others. *share/templates*; Template files used by e.g. :ref:`seedlink` to create its native configuration. *etc*; Configuration directory. *etc/descriptions*; Contains all XML module descriptions. *etc/defaults*; The default configuration files. This directory is read as first when a module starts. *etc/init*; Module init scripts called by :program:`seiscomp`. *etc/key*; Station configurations and module bindings. .. _software_dependencies: Software dependencies --------------------- |scname| depends on a number of additional software packages shipped with each Linux distribution. After installation of |scname| these packages can be installed using the :program:`seiscomp`. The :program:`seiscomp` tool comes with the command :command:`install-deps` which installs required packages. Read the section :ref:`System management` for more detailed instructions. For example, to install the dependencies for using the MariaDB database, give 'mariadb-server' as parameter. .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ seiscomp/bin/seiscomp install-deps base mariadb-server Distribution: Ubuntu 18.04 [sudo] password for sysop: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done ... More options for systems with GUIs and FDSNWS are: :: user@host:~$ seiscomp/bin/seiscomp install-deps gui fdsnws If your distribution is not supported by :command:`install-deps`, install the above packages manually: :program:`Ubuntu` `version` .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ cd seiscomp/share/deps/ubuntu/[version] ... :program:`CentOS` `version` .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ cd seiscomp/share/deps/centos/[version] ... .. code-block:: sh su root bash install-mariadb-server.sh bash install-postgresql-server.sh bash install-base.sh bash install-gui.sh bash install-fdsnws.sh ... or contact the |scname| developers to add support for your distribution. .. warning:: Either the MariaDB **or** the MySQL server can be installed; not both at the same time. When replacing on by the other, ensure that all related files are removed before installing the alternative server. For MySQL instead of MariaDB use: :: root@host:~$ sh install-mysql-server.sh Preferably use MariaDB instead of MySQL as MariaDB is the default for the supported Linux distributions! .. note :: Linux systems develop dynamically and the installation of the dependencies may be incomplete. |scname| modules will stop and indicate the missing software. They can be installed manually. .. _database_configuration: ***************************** Database Server Configuration ***************************** |scname| is typically operated with a :ref:`database ` which should be optimized. This section describes how to setup and optimize the database server. For the setup of the database itself read the section :ref:`getting-started`. .. _database_configuration_mysql: MariaDB / MySQL =============== * For better performance with a MariaDB/MySQL database, adjust the memory pool size. Test the default of the **buffer\_pool_size** before making the change: .. code-block:: sh $ mysql -u root -p show variables like 'innodb_buffer_pool_size'; The optimum **buffer\_pool_size** depends on your system (RAM size) and only needs to be set if required. Choose your preferred value: * Recommended value: 512M or more * Minimum value: 64M Additionally, reduce the database hard drive synchronization and make both adjustments in the section [mysqld]: .. code-block:: sh [mysqld] innodb_buffer_pool_size = innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 .. note :: The location of the configuration file can differ between distributions. :program:`Ubuntu`: :file:`/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf` :program:`CentOS`: :file:`/etc/my.cnf` Please read the documentation of your distribution. root privileges may be required to make the changes. * To start MariaDB automatically during boot set :program:`Ubuntu` .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ sudo systemctl enable mariadb :program:`CentOS` .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ su root root@host:~$ systemctl enable mariadb * If you make a fresh installation of MariaDB/MySQL, secure the database and set a password for the root user :program:`Ubuntu` :: user@host:~$ sudo mysql_secure_installation :program:`CentOS` :: user@host:~$ su root root@host:~$ mysql_secure_installation .. warning :: This step overrides database settings. Only execute the command * After a fresh installation or * If you are sure about the procedure. * After adjusting the parameters, MariaDB needs to be restarted. One can run :program:`Ubuntu`: .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ sudo systemctl restart mariadb :program:`CentOS`: .. code-block:: sh user@host:~$ su root root@host:~$ systemctl restart mariadb .. note :: Replace mariadb by mysql when using MySQL instead of MariaDB. .. _database_configuration_postgresql: PostgreSQL ========== * When using PostgreSQL, the database server must be initialized and secured. * By default PostgresSQL does not allow to login with username and password which leads to the fact that :program:`scmaster` can not connect to the database after |scname| database initialization. Here an example how to enable user/password authentication for local and remote connections. .. code-block:: sh # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD # IPv4 local connections: host seiscomp sysop md5 host all all ident .. note :: The order of the rules matters and the location of the configuration file can differ between distributions. :program:`Ubuntu`: :file:`/etc/postgresql/10/main/pg_hba.conf` :program:`CentOS`: :file:`/var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf` * By default PostgresSQL accepts local connections only. If the database server and clients are on different machines please change the listen address as follows. .. code-block:: sh listen_addresses = .. note :: The location of the configuration file can differ between distributions. :program:`Ubuntu`: :file:`/etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf` :program:`CentOS`: :file:`/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf` Next Steps ========== Now everything is installed and the system can be configured. The :ref:`next chapter` chapter explains the first steps.