SeisComP Downloads

We provide pre-compiled binary versions for Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian (only long term supported releases). For all other distributions and versions we encourage users to read the documentation section "Compiling and installation from source code" in the SeisComP documentation. gempa GmbH can provide custom binaries and services.
Filename Size Architecture Python Version Qt Version
6.4.4 (2024-07-23)
seiscomp-6.4.4-centos8-x86_64.tar.gz 38660623 CentOS 8.x 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-rhel9-x86_64.tar.gz 39733269 RHEL 9.x 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-debian10-i686.tar.gz 39382315 Debian 10.x 32bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-debian10-x86_64.tar.gz 38925690 Debian 10.x 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-debian11-i686.tar.gz 40391154 Debian 11.x 32bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-debian11-x86_64.tar.gz 39855395 Debian 11.x 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-debian12-i686.tar.gz 40511555 Debian 12.x 32bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-debian12-x86_64.tar.gz 40036586 Debian 12.x 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-fedora37-x86_64.tar.gz 39825417 Fedora 37 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-fedora38-x86_64.tar.gz 38785757 Fedora 38 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-fedora39-x86_64.tar.gz 38637151 Fedora 39 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-fedora40-x86_64.tar.gz 38888048 Fedora 40 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-opensuse15.5-x86_64.tar.gz 39747304 openSUSE Leap 15.5 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-ubuntu20.04-x86_64.tar.gz 40266605 Ubuntu 20.04 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-ubuntu22.04-x86_64.tar.gz 40193922 Ubuntu 22.04 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-ubuntu24.04-x86_64.tar.gz 39459322 Ubuntu 24.04 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-raspbian11-armhf.tar.gz 36340853 Raspberry Pi OS 11 32bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-raspbian12-armhf.tar.gz 36505427 Raspberry Pi OS 12 32bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-raspbian12-aarch64.tar.gz 39003724 Raspberry Pi OS 12 64bit 3 5
seiscomp-6.4.4-doc.tar.gz 37170520 HTML, Man
seiscomp-maps.tar.gz 550977108 Maps