Terms and Conditions

SeisComP use requires no license agreement other than the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL).

However, if you wish to contribute changes to the SeisComP repositories then you will need to do a pull request at GitHub.

Before accepting a contribution there, we ask that you provide us a Contributor License Agreement. If you are making your contribution as part of work for your employer, please follow the guidelines on submitting a Corporate Contributor License Agreement. If you are making your contribution as an individual, you can submit an Individual Contributor License Agreement.

For the "gempa" repositories (seiscomp, common) you will be completing an agreement with gempa GmbH. For the "GEOFON" repositories (main, seedlink, extras) your agreement is with the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ). Pull requests for other contributed repositories might require agreement with the maintainers of those repositories.

Please do the following before your pull request can be accepted:

  • Print the appropriate CLA text.
  • Fill in your name, or your employer's details for a corporate contribution.
  • Sign and date the agreement.
  • Scan and e-mail a PDF to either gempa or GEOFON as appropriate.

This is a one-time process for each contributor. Once your agreement is on file, we can accept further pull requests as usual.