
scimport is responsible to forward messages from one system to another. The difference to scimex is that scimport does not handle the messages event based. scimport supports two different modes. The relay mode does a simple mapping from GROUP : SYSTEM_A to GROUP : SYSTEM_B. This mode is default. In case GROUP is not defined in the second system the message is forwarded to IMPORT_GROUP. The import mode supports custom mapping and filter functionality. It is possible to forward GROUP1 : SYSTEM_A to GROUP2 : SYSTEM_B. In addition the forwarded objects can be filtered by:

  • Status
  • Phase
  • AgencyID
  • Amplitude
  • Location
  • Depth
  • AgencyID
  • status
  • Type
  • Type
  • Type


scimport supports commandline options as well as configuration files (scimport.cfg).


Start of scimport by commandline:

scimport -H sourceHost -o sinkHost
-o, --sink host
Specify the master client the data should be imported to
-i, --import
Switch to import mode (default is relay)
  • import mode: You have your own routing table specified
  • relay mode: The routing table will be calculated automatically
-f, --filter
Filter the messages
Route unknown groups to the default group IMPORT_GROUP
Ignore user specified groups


sink = <string>
Address of the importing system
Routingtable = <tuple of strings>
msggroups = GROUP1, GROUP2
Message groups to subscribe, if the default groups should be overwritten
Define filters, options are e.g.:
filter.pick.status   = manual
filter.pick.phase    = *
filter.pick.agencyID = GFZ
filter.stationamplitude.operator = gt
filter.stationamplitude.amplitude = <double>
filter.origin.latitude = -90:90
filter.origin.longitude = -180:180
filter.origin.depth = 0:200
filter.origin.agencyID = GFZ
filter.origin.status   = manual
filter.event.type = earthquake
filter.stationmagnitude.type = MLv
filter.networkmagnitude.type = MLv
filter.qc.type = rms
Wildcards can always be used.

Example of scimport.cfg:

# The address of the importing system
sink = sinkAddress 
# This option has to be set if the application runs in import mode.
# The routing table has to be defined in the form of source_group:sink_group
routingtable = PICK:PICK
# List of groups to subscribe to. If this option is not set the message groups will be 
# determined automatically.If this option is set but not needed for a setup it can be 
# ignore with the option --ignore-groups
msggroups = GROUP_ONE, GROUP_TWO
# Available filter options
# * means any value
filter.pick.status   = *
filter.pick.phase    = *
filter.pick.agencyID = *
# Values: eq (==), lt (<=) ,gt (>=), *
filter.stationAmplitude.operator = gt
filter.stationAmplitude.amplitude = *
# Values: lat0:lat1 (range)
filter.origin.latitude = *
# Values: lon0:lon1 (range)
filter.origin.longitude = *
filter.origin.depth     = *
filter.origin.agencyID  = *
# Values: automatic, manual, preliminary, confirmed, rejected
filter.origin.status = * 
# Values: earthquake, explosion, quarry blast, chemical explosion,
# nuclear explosion, landslide, debris avalanche, rockslide,
# mine collapse, volcanic eruption, meteor impact, plane crash,
# building collapse, sonic boom, other
filter.event.type = * 
# Values: Whatever your magnitudes are named
filter.stationMagnitude.type = * 
# Values: Whatever your magnitudes are named
filter.networkMagnitude.type = * 
# Values: latency, delay, timing quality, gaps interval, gaps length,
# spikes interval, spikes amplitude, offset, rms
filter.qc.type = *